Bespoke Private Yoga Certification

Kathy Ran SYT is proud to present her certified 200 hour private training programme to gain 200 hour Vinyasa or Hot Yoga Certification
In this 200 hour yoga certification program you will learn a non-dogmatic synthesis of classical and contemporary techniques drawn from the best major systems today.
Over 9 weekend sessions we transform passionate yoga practitioners into highly qualified instructors. Ready and able to teach as soon as the course ends.
Bespoke hours to fit your lifestyle
Learn how to teach a 60 min. Vinyasa yoga class using dialogue, verbal cues and hands on adjustments
Explore different teaching styles, the characteristic of a good yoga teacher, understand the type of yoga teacher you want to be and build your confidence and “unique voice” as an instructor
Examine postural alignment, gain a deeper understanding of how yoga postures should be performed and understand how to correct common misalignments and perform modifications (verbally and physically)
Learn about anatomy, kinesiology and physiology and apply them to yoga
Understand the different physical and mental benefits delivered by yoga
Further your own practice by taking part in yoga classes, broaden your knowledge of different yoga styles and begin to make yoga part of your daily life including practicing meditation
Understand basic first aid and how to keep your students safe. Gain an insight into medical conditions that would inhibit the practice of hot yoga/yoga, in particular pregnancy
Explore the history of yoga, examine different yoga forms and where they originated from, and study yoga philosophy
Understand the business of yoga and how to make a career out of being a yoga teacher

The tuition is £3,750 for the 200-Hour Bespoke Teacher Training Certification.
A non-refundable deposit of £500 is required by Jan. 1st along with your application. The deposit will be applied to your tuition. Pay in full and receive £250 off.
Refunds are available up to 1 week prior to the beginning of training, except for the non-refundable deposit of £500. Once training has begun no refunds can be given.
Certification is not guaranteed, but many opportunities will be given.
Bespoke to fit your schedule.
TBD– pre reading required
All assignments and classes must be completed in order to graduate.
300 Hour Certification can be applied to your current 200 hour to become a 500 hour Certified Yoga Instructor with Yoga Alliance.
"Kathy is a blessed soul you rarely get to meet in life. It has been an honour to meet her and have her as our guide. this yoga teacher training has led me to grow as a person, find grounding, and build confidence in all aspects of my life outside of yoga. Within yoga its challenged me and strengthened my practise beyond my expectations. I don't think doing this course anywhere else would have provided me with so much. Kathy has a gift and getting an opportunity to spend time to train with her should not be missed. She is truly an expert and her years of experience has created an amazing course that is incredibly professional. I not only got a chance to do something I've wanted to do for years, but also got a yoga family out of it. I cannot thank you enough!".
Kelly- Dr. of Gynaecology

About Kathy Ran:
Kathy's approach to yoga is one that honors the need for individual self study with the aim of improving interpersonal relations and common-unity. Kathy has studied yoga since 1999, with teachers such as Duncan Wong, Shiva Rae, Desiree Rumbaugh, Bikram, Larry Shultz and Iyengar
By combing asana, meditation and pranayama, Kathy provides an opportunity to explore the Spiritual through the Physical. Kathy works to bring the study of yoga off the mat and into the practice of Life. "Yoga is an amazing experience and it is my greatest joy to share this ancient practice with others".
She has over 10,000 hours of teaching experience and holds a Sports Yoga Certification, 200 hour vinyasa certification, 200 hours Anusara inspired teacher, Masters degree in Physical Science and is a Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance.