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Terms and Conditions


We totally appreciate this journey requires a big commitment in time, money and energy, so we want to

help you to make an informed decision. Here are some ‘good to knows’ about the course structure and content. We hope this covers everything you need to know, but do feel free to call us if you’d prefer to discuss any questions in person. Come on board!



About the 200hr Teacher Training


Am I ready for Teacher Training?

If you feel that pull, it’s a REALLY good sign!  We're looking for serious and committed students with a solid foundation in the basic yoga postures. It‘s not about having an ‘advanced’ practice by mastering the tricky poses, but rather a mature practice – knowing your own limits and coming to the mat with a willingness to learn. We ask for a minimum of 2 years regular and consistent yoga practice, preferably through class attendance. You will also ask for a yoga teacher who can provide a reference to support your application. In addition, some element of self-practice is also viewed very favourably.


I don’t want to train to be a yoga teacher, can I still do the 200hr Programme?

Yes you can. Lots of students undertake our teacher training to simply deepen their own personal development, to open up opportunities for the future, or just teach their family and friends. Some are still undecided – happy to see where the process takes them. All of these are welcomed and encourage


When can I start teaching?

You actually start teaching your own private class while you’re in training. This ensures you’re fully supported by our Teaching Faculty during the ‘learning to teaching’ process. This begins approximately half way through the course to give you lots of experience and opportunity to learn.


Why choose Yoga University?

It’s a GREAT question! (and again, we really encourage you to ask this about any teacher training provider). Our Teacher Training Programme is one of the most thorough, current, and hands-on teacher training programmes in the country. All of our course material is taught by Senior Yoga Teachers – the highest possible teacher accreditation, and we’re a Yoga Alliance Approved Centre of Excellence - an exclusive accolade that demonstrates our studio has met excellent standards in both teaching and the facilities.


Aside from all of our certifications, our training is designed to immensely deepen your understanding and practice of yoga, and develop your confidence and skills as a yoga teacher. What is quite unique, is that you don’t just learn to teach your peers (i.e. people who can already do yoga!) You’ll have the opportunity to set-up and teach your own karma private class while you’re in training - spending up to 6 months honing both your teaching and business skills in a real-life environment. We’ve planned spaces in between your training days to allow for integration of the learning – we’ve found this makes this best teachers and makes the transition from training to teacher as seamless as possible. It’s why over 90% of our graduates are still teaching!


Can I meet the Teachers?

Definitely! We highly recommend you do this when exploring any Teacher Training Programme, to ensure you ‘connect’ with the course tutors. We offer regular teacher training ‘taster sessions’ here at the studio, and also encourage you to come along and take a class with the course tutors to get a feel for our beautiful space and their teaching style.



About the Commitment


How long do I have to complete the 200hr Programme?

Our Teacher Training programme is spread over  6 months to allow plenty of time to integrate the learning, deepen your own personal practice as well as embed your new teaching skills.


What happens if I fall behind or fail an assignment? 

Provided you have maintained your commitment to the process, we will always endeavour to support your progress and help you achieve graduation.  We agree a Personal Development Plan to bring you back on track. Support may include, but is not restricted to, ‘mentoring’ by senior teachers, private sessions, additional assignments or workshops and reassessments.  Please note, there may be additional fees associated with each of these support methods.


What happens if I can’t attend one day of the training?

Students must attend 100% of the contact hours to obtain their Yoga Alliance Accreditation. However, we understand you may not be able to foresee every conflict, and so we have the following contingency in place. While these ‘make-up’ sessions offer a degree of flexibility, we strongly recommend you attend all of the group training days; there is something powerful in the group learning experience that cannot be recreated
during a 1-to-1.


• If you miss a maximum of 4 days: You may still complete the programme with your class provided you schedule a private session(s) or semi-private session with Course Tutor at some point during the programme to make-up the missed learning. A 2 to 3-hour private session equates to one day. The cost of a private session is £65 per hour and is subject to the Course Tutor's availability. The maximum number of private make-up sessions is four.


• If you miss +4 days: In this event, the learning has been compromised and you can no longer obtain certification during this intake. You may choose to continue with the course simply for the learning experience. Or if you would like Certification, you will need to retake the programme, at a discounted price, which is subject to availability. We should note, due to high demand, spaces on future courses cannot be guaranteed.


How much time do I have to dedicate to the training outside of the contact hours?

There’s some pre-course reading for each module as well as a regular home practice throughout the course. This will help to absorb the coursework, and to fully benefit and grasp the information taught. Expect to spend approx 30 hours in total on written assignments. Please note that there is time between each modules to complete these and mentors will be at hand to help, should it be needed.  Please see our website for more details


What happens if I have to cancel my 200hr Teacher Training? - Cancellation T&C's

We make our cancellation and refund policy transparent – ensuring it’s available before booking, at the time of booking and also on your receipt confirmation – so you can make an informed decision. Please take time to read this carefully.  All clients are asked to agree to Yoga University  terms and conditions upon booking a course or workshop.


In the event of Yoga University cancelling an event:
you will receive a full refund, or the option of being transferred to another workshop or a credit to your account.


In the event of you cancel an event place:
provided you have notified us within the cancellation window (see below), you can receive a refund less 10% admin fee and/or your non refundable deposit , or the option of being transferred to another workshop or a credit to your account.


   Teacher Workshops & Intensives

   Cancel with in +60 days before start date  you will receive a refund less 10% admin fee.

   200hr Training and Retreats

   Cancel +90 days before start date you will receive a refund less non-refundable deposit.


We regret no refund or transfer can be given outside of these terms, including if you are unable to attend due to illness, work, family or other reasons. Before committing to a course or event, please ensure you can attend the scheduled number of sessions to get the most out of the programme. This

cancellation policy is firm.


Transfer to Another Student

By You – If you cancel an event outside of the cancellation window, no refund will be available. You may pass your booking on to a friend at no additional cost (please arrange payment between you). We must be notified via email if a friend will attend in your place.


By Us – If the event is full and we can find someone on the wait list to take your place, we will offer you a refund less a 10% admin fee, or credit your account for future purchases – valid for 1 year.


Leaving an Event

It is our aim and policy to facilitate students who may be experiencing difficulties either with the event or in other areas of their life, so they are able to complete the event. However, we understand that in some circumstances this is not possible, and students may feel they have no choice other than to leave a course or programme. In this instance we will be unable to give you a certificate or graduate you from the training, and your event fees cannot be refunded. 


Teacher Availability

In the event where a teacher is unavailable due to illness or an emergency, an alternative teacher will be arranged wherever possible. For retreats, we strongly recommend participants have adequate insurance to cover any cancelled travel or personal expenses, as we cannot make reimbursements over and above our cancellation policy.


About the Qualification


Can I teach at the Hosting Studio once I’ve qualified?

We’re always looking for passionate, committed, well-trained teachers, who uphold our high standards of safe, inspiring and accessible teaching. Whilst we can’t guarantee any opportunities, our Teaching Certificate is the main gateway onto the hosting studio schedule. Over the years, many of our outstanding graduates have become part of the the hosting studio teaching team.


There are also opportunities for our very best graduates to become Teaching Assistants on the TT programme.
We hope this answers all of your questions. If you have any further questions, or wish to discuss any of the topics covered about, please don’t hesitate to contact us on email or call at 07715595976.


Where can I work after I've graduated?

Our graduates work in yoga studios, gyms and community centres. You will have the relevant experience, qualifications and insurance to develop your teaching career in the way that works for you


If I obtain my Certificate, will there be an opportunity for further development?

Absolutely! We’re a Certified Yoga Alliance ‘Centre of Excellence’. This exclusive accolade demonstrates that our studio has met excellent standards in all of the Teacher Events we run. Students may decide to develop more specific skills in areas that are of particular interest to them such as Rocket yoga, Hot yoga, Restorative yoga and Chair yoga . We offer Advanced Training for all of these and more - please see our  Events for more info.  We also offer Mentoring opportunities for students wishing to develop on a 1-to-1 basis with a Senior Yoga Teacher.


Do I automatically get the 200hr yoga teacher qualification?

As a Registered Yoga Alliance School, all of our trainee yoga teachers (TYTs) are automatically Accredited upon successful graduation, which includes written exams, practical teaching assessment, assignments and ongoing assessments.


If you choose to be a part of This recognised industry standard  it will also include Insurance, which means you’re ready to teach straight away. Our graduates may use the title 'Registered Yoga Teacher' RYT as a sign of quality training. For more information please visit the Yoga Alliance website.


What is Yoga Alliance Professionals?

Yoga Alliance Professionals is an organisation that was started as a way to create nationally recognised standards for yoga teachers and yoga teacher trainings. More and more yoga studios and health club providers require their teachers to have some sort of quality assurance. Yoga Alliance demonstrates excellent training standards and is a mark of distinction which is worth promoting.


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