Bespoke Private Yoga Certification
“Our training school has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance UK, demonstrating that our courses are of the highest standard and that our graduates may use the title 'Registered Yoga Teacher' RYT as a sign of quality training when they register themselves with Yoga Alliance."
The first module dives into the heart of teaching with stabilizing commitment, turns to the study of self and asks the teacher to step bravely into their heart to ride the tiger to their transformative growth edge. This comprehensive module includes refinement of biomechanics, deep understanding of the key patterns of movement, the art of sequencing, the art of adjustments, integration of mantra, mudra and meditation, stepping into the power of authentic voice, creating meaningful class themes and effective teaching for different levels of students. This module consists of 90 hours intensive study and requires endurance, commitment and true desire for transformation.
The second module opens the spirit of play and creativity for teaching once the fundamental skills are stabilized and anchored. Creativity is the juice of life and yoga frees up the restrictions that block the creative flow. As the teacher gains confidence in their own unique gifts, they learn to give voice to the sacred play of life unfolding within the practices of yoga. This comprehensive module reviews all the fundamental teaching methodology and opens up the creative gateways of teaching through storytelling, sequencing and theming. Find the Yin in our Yang, there will be an emphasis on the balance of ones own life and the integration in the overall structure of personal practice and teachings,
The third module magnetizes all the practices together to independently spring the teacher into the teaching of yoga. The intensity of this module requires the teacher to rise to the occasion, meet challenges, face fears, and ultimately learn how to surrender and offer in the heart of Love and Service. This module is a powerful catalyst for the alchemy of teaching and the ultimate refinement of the teacher as a clear vessel of embodied transmission. This comprehensive module includes meticulous refinement of all Fearless Heart Teaching methodology, community leadership skills, energetics of teaching yoga, invocation of Spirit, shadow work for yoga teachers, spiritual practices for sustaining the teacher, owning authentic voice, and staying true to the force of creative freedom. Kathy truly enjoys guiding each teacher to a profound new edge where leverage is gained and radical transformation occurs. This module consists of 90 hours of intensive study and requires endurance, commitment and the willingness to grow in alignment with Dharma and the highest vibration of ones own spirit.
*200 Hour Yoga Certification or similar training
*2 Asana self practices a week
*Learn 3 Sequences to teach
*Teaching at least 1 class per week
*Reading of Upanishads/Pradipika
*Additional Readings
*Creative Journaling
*Class Designing
*Assisting 1 X per month
*Observing 1X per month
*Teaching Specialised Class
*Research Paper
Students have the responsibility to attend class and must inform Kathy about all scheduling conflicts prior to commencement of the course
The tuition is £3,200 for the 300-Hour Teacher Training Certification. Pre-Registration is required as space is limited. A non-refundable deposit of £500 is required by Jan. 1st along with your application. The deposit will be applied to your tuition. The remaining is payable monthly by payments (auto debit) Or pay in full by January 1st and receive £250 off.
Refunds are available up to 1 week prior to the beginning of training, except for the non-refundable deposit of £500. Once training has begun no refunds can be given.
Certification is not guaranteed, but many opportunities will be given.
Most Fridays 6.00-9.00pm
Saturdays 10.30-6:30pm (Includes class)
Sundays 10.00-6.00pm
TBD– pre reading required
All assignments and classes must be completed in order to graduate.
300 Hour Certification can be applied to your current 200 hour to become a 500 hour Certified Yoga Instructor with Yoga Alliance.
"Kathy is a blessed soul you rarely get to meet in life. It has been an honour to meet her and have her as our guide. this yoga teacher training has led me to grow as a person, find grounding, and build confidence in all aspects of my life outside of yoga. Within yoga its challenged me and strengthened my practise beyond my expectations. I don't think doing this course anywhere else would have provided me with so much. Kathy has a gift and getting an opportunity to spend time to train with her should not be missed. She is truly an expert and her years of experience has created an amazing course that is incredibly professional. I not only got a chance to do something I've wanted to do for years, but also got a yoga family out of it. I cannot thank you enough!".
Kelly- Dr. of Gynaecology
Module Schedule and Structure: The Yoga University Teacher Training will provide you with a practical plan for incorporating the physical, psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga into modern life, without losing sight of the universal goal of the practice: freedom of one’s self and the ability to help all.
Module One
31 March, 1,2 April
Kick off Weekend!
includes :
refinement of biomechanics I deep understanding of the key patterns of movement
I the art of sequencing
12th– 14th May
Advanced Methodology and Research—Anatomy Weekend
9th—11th June
Intermediate and
Advanced Ashtanga
The Art of Adjustments
8th—9th July
Advanced Philosophy and Personal Practice I History of Yoga In Our Culture—in depth.
11th—13th August
I Therapeutics I Integration of mantra, mudra and meditation– discussion and techniques.
16th—17th September
Stepping into the power of authentic voice I Creating meaningful class themes and effective teaching for different levels of students. Lesson Plans.
Module Two
13th - 15th October
The heart of the practice I facing your fears I igniting your personal fire I teaching sequencing through alignment based classes
10th—12th November
I fundamental teaching methodology and opens up the creative gateways of teaching through storytelling, sequencing and theming.
10th December
Teaching methodology, community leadership skills, energetics of teaching yoga, invocation of Spirit, shadow work for yoga teachers, spiritual practices for sustaining the teacher.
Module Three
12th—14th January
The art of teaching inversions and advanced postures I Transitions I Trends in Yoga I The business of Yoga IResearch paper due.
9th—11th February
Privates I Nutrition I Lifestyle of a yogi I Speciality teachings 30 min. class I resume due
About Kathy Ran:
Kathy's approach to yoga is one that honors the need for individual self study with the aim of improving interpersonal relations and common-unity. Kathy has studied yoga since 1999, with teachers such as Duncan Wong, Shiva Rae, Desiree Rumbaugh, Bikram, Larry Shultz and Iyengar
By combing asana, meditation and pranayama, Kathy provides an opportunity to explore the Spiritual through the Physical. Kathy works to bring the study of yoga off the mat and into the practice of Life. "Yoga is an amazing experience and it is my greatest joy to share this ancient practice with others".
She has over 10,000 hours of teaching experience and holds a Sports Yoga Certification, 200 hour vinyasa certification, 200 hours Anusara inspired teacher, Masters degree in Physical Science and is a Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance.